Sofar Sounds

This week I want to talk about something that I mentioned in my first blog post, Sofar Sounds. When I wrote that post, I hadn't had a chance to attend a show, so I would love to update you guys on my experience last week at the October Sofar event. Each month, a date is picked for the event and tickets go on sale. You must apply for tickets, and if you get them you uncover the secrets of the event. The location for the event is revealed a few days before and the 3 acts are revealed at the event. The company was founded by people who wanted to put the emphasis back on the artist. They had been noticing at shows that people would spend more time talking to their friends than paying attention to the person performing. While the Sofar events are all about bringing music lovers together, the socializing happens in between or after the acts. When I attended, the 3 performers were given their undivided attention by every member of the audience. People were barely even on their phones which is saying a lot in this day and age, and it was really neat. The show was held at a students house who saw the September show and decided he wanted to host. Audience members were sitting comfortably around the room on couches, chairs, and even the floor. First, a member of the band Walden, they play a lot of shows around Athens and headline at the Georgia Theater, played a few songs either with the keyboard or acoustic guitar. His songs were so honest and personal and the whole room was captivated. The intimate setting added to the experience and made it even more special. Secondly, artist Tim Moore performed and once again his songs were personal and his voice was amazing. Finally, Pip the Pansy, formerly known as Wrenn, took the stage and brought the show home. She was accompanied by a partner, and her electric sound and amazing voice completely filled the room. I never wanted it to end. The coolest part was some of my friends had seen her almost sell out the Georgia Theater and there I was watching her in a room of about 25 people. Sofar's Instagram account posted the photo below.  
One of my best friends is in charge of their social media here in Athens, so go check out their Instagram for more posts of pictures and videos from shows! Ironically, as I am writing this blog, I received an email with information about next month's show:

Since Sofar is such a big company in about 200 cities, their digital marketing efforts are already widespread. Since I signed up for an account to buy tickets to the last show, I will now get these emails updating me on when it's time to get ready for the next one. Sofar aims to attract new customers by adding Facebook events like this one:
My experience was so awesome and really different from other music experiences in Athens. I will definitely be going every month. And a cool part is that wherever I decide to live after college, there is most likely Sofar in that city as well. 


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